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Introducing the lead capture app that rewards your visitors…

The lead capture app that starts with a free coffee

It’s no secret that serving coffee during an event is one of the best ways to pull in the crowds. And for many brands, this is enough. Their coffee service is complimentary and that’s that.

However, for other companies, a coffee bar is a sales opportunity. It’s a way to turn visitors into opted-in, qualified leads that you can then follow up.

Turning on-stand visitors into leads

Serving coffee to exhibition attendees

During a busy event, it’s not easy to catch everyone for a quick chat, let alone gather all their contact details. Even if you do, can you be sure they are all relevant? And how do you tactfully filter out those who are simply looking for a quick freebie?

The answer is by using digital ordering technology. Better yet, using the UK’s first digital ordering, lead capture and mobile survey app – SmartServe.

What is SmartServe?

SmartServe is a platform designed and provided by us, The Barista. It enables you to sync up your coffee service and lead capture into one smooth interaction.

It makes life easier for your salespeople and provides you with a way to gather information in return for a delicious, freshly-prepared coffee!

Here’s how it works:

Gather the data that matters to you

The idea for SmartServe was born from a desire to help clients record visitors to their exhibition stands, via the coffee bar. And we saw that a hot drink was a great way to incentivise the sharing of data, turning on-stand visitors into qualified leads. It’s fast, easy and non-invasive.

The branded interface allows you to:

● Record contact information

● Conduct surveys and poll opinion

● Place custom drink orders

Focus your time on high-value prospects

Encouraging visitors to talk business or part with their contact information can be one of the trickiest parts of an exhibition. But, asking questions at the point of order makes the process feel natural. It also allows you to politely filter out those people of no relevance you, who are just after a freebie!

It’s currently being used by our clients and we’re seeing great results. Not only is it providing a seamless ordering experience, but it’s enabling clients to gather actionable data that helps them follow up with prospects and produce research and thought leadership.

SmartServe might not be required in every circumstance, and sometimes you might want to provide people with a free coffee, no questions asked. However, for exhibitions where lead generation is the priority, it’s a simple way of guaranteeing you get the information you need.

If you’d like to talk to us about SmartServe, or mobile coffee for your next event, you can get in touch by emailing hello@thebarista.co.uk or calling 0845 257 5900.

4 July 2019 - The Barista


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Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020/). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

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