Home Blog Meet the barista: Hannah

Meet the barista: Hannah

Our team is what makes us unique, so we love taking the opportunity to let you know a little more about them while giving you a glimpse into life at The Barista.

For the second instalment of our ‘Meet the barista’ series, we chatted with our barista Hannah. Here, Hannah tells us more about how she got into the coffee industry, the most exciting city she’s visited, and her dream event.

How did you get into the industry?

I’ve always worked around coffee, in cafes and the hospitality industry. Whenever I’ve stepped out, I’ve always found myself drawn back in. I love that my understanding and knowledge of coffee has always grown with each different place I have worked, and that it continues to develop now as I work with The Barista.

What’s your favourite thing about working for The Barista?

I love the passion that the people who work here have for what we’ve already achieved and what we continue to strive for. We all have the same outlook and enthusiasm for the service we provide. The people who work here are like a family and it’s been a pleasure to call myself a member of The Barista.

Can you tell us about the most memorable event you’ve done? And/or the most exciting place you’ve visited with The Barista?

I’m spoilt for choice with this one! My top two would be the Royal Highland Show and Longines Global Champion’s tour. Both events were such fun to be a part of and it was really exciting to get a glimpse into these worlds.

The most exciting place I’ve visited would be Barcelona – it was a great city for my first international event.

Where would be your dream destination or event?

My dream destination would be down south by the beach, maybe Cornwall or Brighton.

What’s the secret to being a great event barista?

You have to be enthusiastic, friendly, and patient. Often the days can be long, and things don’t always go to plan. It takes a lot of work and planning to create a successful event and things can go wrong, so it’s important to remain friendly and remember that the end result of delivering a successful service will feel the best.

What’s your best tip for baristas?

Always have fun and enjoy the events you’re working at. We’re lucky to be invited into so many different worlds in terms of events, and it’s important while you’re working hard to take an interest in what the event is and talk to the people around you.

What’s your favourite thing to do when you’re not working? Any fun or interesting hobbies you can tell us about?

I’ve recently started ice skating when I can, and I’m really enjoying getting stuck into that new hobby. I also enjoy catching up with friends and going on adventures!

What’s your personal favourite coffee drink?

I love an oat milk latte.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about life at The Barista. If you’re interested in working for The Barista, we have freelance barista opportunities available. Please click herefor more details. 

If you’re looking for a team of friendly, professional baristas to work your next event, get in touchto find out how we can help you make a lasting impression.

24 February 2023 - jbc_admin


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